Your monthly dose of feminist thrills

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our definition

What is a feminist thriller?

A novel or film with an exciting plot, usually involving a crime or dire situation, that illuminates the female experience, expands how we view the feminine, gives women roles outside of their normally prescribed archetypes, or provides insight into issues—and thereby advocates for change—related to equality and women’s rights.


Novels and true stories you can’t put down.

Considering this brand is founded by a novelist, we couldn’t resist putting this category first! The written word is our original love, how about you?


You’ll never want these thrilling films to end.

There’s something special about going to the theaters or putting on a movie for a cozy night in. Bring on the popcorn and the candy!


TV shows and limited series with twists that made our heads explode.

It’s been 12 years since the term binge-watching gained popularity in 2012. But our love of hitting “next episode” isn’t going away anytime soon.